[home6-about-section-start-shortcode bgimg=”16040″][home6-about-section-shortcode des=”BAAWA was incorporated as an organization in 1999, and the scope of its aims and activities broadened considerably. As stated in its latest constitution, the association’s principle objectives are:
- To foster and promote understanding, and friendship between Bangladeshi Australians in Western Australia and the rest of the community, including Australians from all other ethnic backgrounds, through the exchange of ideas and culture.
- To collaborate with other associations and organizations with similar objectives to promote social harmony.
- To provide a forum for the members of the Association to exchange information, communicate ideas, and promote community welfare.
- To organize recreational activities including sporting and cultural events and excursions for members of the Association.
- To publish magazines and/or newsletters devoted to the interests and activities of the Association and its members.
- To facilitate all other activities conducive to the attainment of the objectives mentioned above